Explore what truly matters to you…


Does this sound familiar?


  • feel restless, tense, and have difficulty focusing

  • are overwhelmed by strong emotions or feel completely shut off from them

  • find your mind playing out worst-case scenarios or revisiting painful experiences 

  • often downplay aspects of your identity in order to fit in or avoid discomfort; whether it's at social gatherings, work, or when traveling

  • are concerned about the well-being of a relationship, or

  • are unable to make sense of an issue that continues to weigh heavily on you.

You usually do it all yourself…

Perhaps you are criticizing yourself for not trying harder, being smarter, “getting a grip,” or “pushing through” like you have in the past.

You feel frustrated that your old ways of coping just aren’t cutting it anymore

Or you are painfully aware that what you are currently struggling with has been troubling you for a long time

The difference now is that you are ready to work on it and you are looking for a therapist that will help you do just that.

You’re in the right place.

Hi, I am Fred.

I specialize in working with introspective adults from diverse backgrounds

who want to start taking their feelings seriously,

understand the deeper reasons behind what is keeping them feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and stuck,

so that they can cultivate more meaningful and enriching lives

Learn more about me

I work collaboratively with adults like you to:

  • gain insight into how your current concerns developed, and to 

  • work through the internal factors that have left you feeling stressed, depressed, and otherwise “stuck” in your life.

My approach is in-depth therapy, which involves us understanding you holistically as a unique individual - not just a set of symptoms. 

This includes us paying attention to how your ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality have led to experiences that have contributed to how you see yourself and the world.

I want you to know that it is a courageous step to reach out for therapy. I am here to support and work with you.


  • Moving beyond the constant fear of something going wrong.

  • Painful and overwhelming past experiences needn’t define who you are.

  • Focusing on concerns related to significant relationships with people, figures in your life, groups, and even the relationship you have with yourself.

There is life after trauma and other forms of emotional pain.

Are you ready to take the next step?

  • Click here and provide me with your general availability for appointments during the week.

  • You and I will meet for your first session to discuss what has brought you to therapy.

  • We will meet weekly to facilitate the consistency, trust, and depth that paves the way for therapeutic change.

You want to feel less self-critical and overwhelmed by your emotions. I want to help you get there.